titleref: Referencing Hugo posts by their titles
A custom Hugo shortcode to create cross-references to other posts using their title strings.
A custom Hugo shortcode to create cross-references to other posts using their title strings.
What are Hugo Modules and should you convert your Hugo site to be one?
Let Hugo do the counting of how far along I got into the #100DaysToOffload challenge.
Using grep
to do substring extraction in shell scripts.
Using parameterized classes with static functions to make up for the lack of generics in SystemVerilog.
Adding sidenotes using a Hugo shortcode and ox-hugo.
Through the Mastodon-verse, one day I somehow landed on the amazing website https://takeonrules.com/ by Jeremy Friesen and I got motivated to learn about sidenotes once again.
This post describes my fresh attempt at getting the sidenotes to work.
Notes as I am learning Tcl syntax using its official tutorial.
A little example demonstrating calling a C++ written function in SystemVerilog.
Arbitrary SystemVerilog snippets